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We're 6 illustrator friends and collective based in the Netherlands.
저희는 네덜란드에서 활동하는 일러스트레이션 콜렉티브 시선입니다.

We work based on #friendship with #riso to have #fun. We started this collective during the coronavirus pandemic to foster a sense of connection among ourselves. We create art together, exhibit together, and also collaborate on murals. We are the See:Sun Collective.

저희는 네덜란드에서 활동하는 일러스트레이터 친구들 입니다. Sona Lee 쏘냐리, Levi Jacobs 레비야콥스, Draw Soso 드로우소소, K9k 카네흔카, Kidkura 키드쿠라, Lize Prins 리제프린스



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